Frequently Asked Questions

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Is there really a God?

It’s not possible to prove that God exists any more than it is possible to prove that he does not. Science can prove that your mother is female, but it cannot prove that she loves you. It has been stated that 'science has disproved God', but science can never be used to prove a negative. Science is the tool to prove hypotheses or theories.

The concept of a God is beyond the scope of science. People may believe there is or is not a God, but both opinions are based on faith. Also the word "god" means different things to different people. When we look at the evidence it would seem more reasonable to believe that God exists.

Atheists are really saying that they know all there is to know and this knowledge has informed them that there is no God. That is a very arrogant belief to hold. If a person does not believe in God then a 'don't know' position is far more sensible.

The Bible begins by stating the existence of God and never seeks to prove he exists. It is assumed in his first majestic words. "In the beginning God..." Your belief about the existence of God effects every part of your life.Believers and disbelievers in God disagree about the very nature of the Universe. The French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal declare that within every human being, our Creator has placed a 'God-shaped vacuum' that only God himself can fill.

The fact is that everyone is searching for answers to questions beyond the scope of science, the problem of destiny, the mystery of evil and our dread of death. Our beliefs about God are crucial to our understanding of ultimate questions.
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Is the Bible true?

It’s commonly assumed that the Bible is full of errors. However, 99% of the time people are unable to point to any possible mistakes. The Bible does contain some apparent contradictions and a little study of the 'world's best seller' will give confidence to the reader.

Most people who think the Bible contains mistakes have believed what someone else has said rather than reading the text for themselves. Books from ancient times, not surprisingly, have no original documents. Even Shakespeare's plays from the 16th Century are only in existence in copy form, there are no originals.

Of the works of Homer we have 643 copies that give an accuracy of 95%. The New Testament has about 14,000 copies giving an accuracy of about 99.5%. The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947 have proved beyond doubt the amazing accuracy of the copying methods adopted by the ancient scribes. With any translation there are going to be difficulties in expressing exactly what the original writers wrote, but Dr Nelson Glueck, an outstanding Jewish archaeologist, has stated that 'No archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference.’

So we can be sure we have in our language the text of this unique book, which surely deserves more than a partial reading.
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